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As a Church we know that what we do is for God’s glory and in response to what He has done for us! We’ve all been given talents and blessings from God. Whether being musicians, business-owners, parents, students, sportsmen, whether rich or poor, we all have something to bring to God.

Our life’s purpose is to glorify God in and through our everyday lives, so that we can make His name famous as His ambassadors!
We know that Jesus is highly exalted by the Father and that every knee will bow to Jesus! This is why we say ‘Jesus, the centre’ (Phil 2:9)
We also see in the Word that He is God’s glorious reflection:
‘He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe…’ (Hebrews 1:3)

Jesus is the greatest treasure in Heaven and on earth. Our King sacrificed everything for us because of His love for us. He is the reason we can live redeemed and victorious lives with purpose.

One day, when we see Jesus face to face it, will be our biggest honour to say we lived a life bringing all the glory to God along with all creation. God created the sun, the moon and the entire universe, we too are His creation. Let everything that you do and accomplish be to glorify Jesus’ name for He is seated at the right hand of the Father and worthy of every song of praise and offering of worship, bestowed upon Him the name above all names, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjected to him.


Author crcmusic

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