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A few songwriters who either work professionally with those struggling with health problems, or songwriters who currently struggle with disease, and some who had already been miraculously healed by God, got together to write a song about healing.

This healing was not only related to healing of the body but for those troubled in their minds, hearts and souls too. It was written to encourage any person who has been through loss or trauma, and finds themselves desperate for God to restore them back to full health. We see a man healed at Bethesda, ‘’When Jesus saw him lying there and knew that he already had been in that condition a long time, He said to him, “Do you want to be made well?” John 5:1-15. This is something we sing to Jesus in the song, ‘come and make me whole’. It’s vital to have faith and to desire the wholeness Jesus can bring us.

Being ‘made whole’ means to be restored to a state of full health. ‘Well’ relays to the health condition you are in. Jesus sees the condition of His children and has given us His word that by His stripes we are healed. The Word itself can send out all sickness from your body. In His Word and presence, we are secure that God is our salvation and healing, regardless of our state.

Evil things happening can cause questions to surface, this is when we need to be in God’s Word and presence in prayer bringing our requests to God. This is where fear is silenced and we have a peace that surpasses all understanding.

Jesus is the one we can look to, to repair our brokenness and to save us from suffering and bring peace over us in terrible situations. Much like the Mother in 2 Kings 4:36

We were inspired by the cases in the Word where sick people were healed. Countless accounts of the touch of Jesus turning people’s upside-down worlds, the right way up. We trust God that through this song, many people will be supernaturally freed from sickness, ailments, oppression, depression and pain they experience. Matthew 9:20-22 “And suddenly, a woman who had a flow of blood for twelve years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment. For she said to herself, “If only I may touch His garment, I shall be made well.”

This song isn’t simply about the trials we face but also about overcoming them through Christ and trusting in God’s power. This is the reason our Chorus and bridge focus on declaring ‘It is well with me’ and seeing God’s goodness manifest through faith.


Author crcmusic

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  • My son was diagnosed with an “incurable” eye condition… the Docters can’t do anything for him and according to them that my son will loose his eye sight.
    This 1 Sunday he insisted to sit with me, it was the first time we heard this song.
    He was then 5, and he said to me Mommy they are singing this song for my eyes.
    His faith is so strong, he insisted that we must right it and stick it on his bed
    I believe, I will see! And that is what we confess everyday that we believe that he will see.
    Thank you for who you are in the body of Christ and following God’s word.
    You truly are a blessing!!