During the initial COVID-19 lockdown, the CRC Music team received a request from our Senior Pastor, Pastor Nyretta Boshoff, who leads the CRC Music department, asking us to write songs about the church.
The Church is a beautiful gift, the perfect plan of God in this world. The Church is God’s blueprint. Ultimately, it is where we come together to worship God, to commune with other believers and where we can serve in the House of God with our time, talents and treasures. The Church is the Bride of Christ, and God is coming back for His Church.
We receive sermons in Church, it is also where the Gospel is preached that we need the Saviour, the Son of God, Jesus Christ. The Word is spoken of all the promises of God available and true to us through His Son Jesus. There is so much that we can do in the Church, and there is so much the Church does in us.
In the Word of God David writes in Psalm 122 verse 1-2 ‘When they said, “Let’s go to the house of God, my heart leaped for joy. And now we’re here, O Jerusalem, inside Jerusalem’s walls!’
After spending time in the presence and studying the word of God, looking for scriptures about the Church, the lyrics and melody for Glad suddenly came to our CRC Music director, Lufuno.
A verse taken from the scripture above became the first line: ‘Oh I was glad, when they said, let us go to the House of the Lord.’ It goes on to say how it is a place built for worship, where Gods people go to give thanks to His name. We also studied the following scriptures for the pre-chorus;
Psalm 84:10-12 (The Message)
10-12 One day spent in your house, this beautiful place of worship,
beats thousands spent on Greek island beaches.
I’d rather scrub floors in the house of my God
than be honoured as a guest in the palace of sin.
The Church is a safe place. The Church is our spiritual family. We are glad to be in the House of the Lord.
We all make up a part of the Church and have an offering to bring. We come together there and find Gods presence, His love, the strength that comes from the unity of the brethren and the Word spoken into our hearts. We can learn more and more about God by being an active part of His family. We can never forget that what God institutes cannot be defeated.
As the Bridegroom, we see the symbol of His faithfulness to His Church(bride) as well as His covenant(marriage) to the Church. It began with Abraham and it is now with you and me. It is our responsibility to wake up to the times we live in and be who God called us to be through His Church. It is never too late to come back to the church! Never let any lies keep you away from the destiny God has for you in the Church.
We love how the song turned out and we hope you will too! May it guide you closer to the Body of Christ both in grace and gladness!
Visit our CRC Music YouTube channel to listen to all our songs
Buy the latest album: https://bit.ly/CRCHeavenonEarth