At the beginning of 2021 everyone had been in a state of almost “shock” after 2020 and so many people had been picking up the pieces of their lives. Some had lost their livelihoods, family members and ultimately, many had lost hope.
The first thing we believe God restores is Hope – and He reminds us of His promises.
In Numbers 23:19 (NLT), the Word of God says “God is not a man, so He does not lie. He is not human, so He does not change his mind. Has he ever spoken and failed to act? Has he ever promised and not carried it through?”
From this realisation, we proclaim “In every season I’ll hold on to you cause I know you will come through” and with complete dependence on the fact that He will come through we sing: “In every season I look unto you – God You know just what to do”
God never, ever fails! Though the earth may pass away – His faithful love remains.
He does not want us to live in fear, He wants us to be so anchored in the Hope that He still has a plan and a future for us, that no matter what happens around us, and we know He is fighting for us behind the scenes. Many times we can’t see Him at work, but He always works everything together for our good.
When God restores us, He does not just give us back what we used to have, He gives us better than we had!
The word “restore” means to bring back or to re-establish.
God comes in and completely repairs and restores our lives, improving what is broken and damaged. He adjusts that which needs adjusting and sets you up on a better standing than you were before!
We trust that this song will be an anthem to people whenever they look at their natural circumstances – to encourage them to sing these words prophetically over their situation and continue to trust that God will restore what the locusts have stolen (Joel 2:25)
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