This song is largely a prophetic song – speaking things into being and it was written at a time when everything seemed barren in the natural world.
Isaiah 43 speaks about God doing a new thing that has already begun and this song speaks of the exchange of bitter circumstances turning around to become sweet victories! Sometimes we have to see from our spirit what is to come and not look through our own eyes and lean on our own understanding
In Verse 1 of Isaiah 43 we see how God calls us to attention to remind us that He ransomed us and we are His and one cannot help but feel safe in the knowledge that God loves us so very much! “But now, O Jacob, listen to the Lord who created you.
O Israel, the one who formed you says, “Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed you I have called you by name, you are mine”
He assures us that we do not have to be afraid because He is with us, He is turning things around and He is touching the eyes of the spiritually blind – to see the vision of all that He has in store for us!
In Verse 19 it says “For I am about to do something new. See, I have already begun! Do you not see it? I will make a pathway through the wilderness. I will create rivers in the dry wasteland”
The Breath of God can breathe life into a dead situation, no matter how destitute or dry the situation may seem. In the book of Ezekiel 37 in the valley of dry bones, the prophet had to prophesy over the dry bones and ask the Breath of God to breathe life into the slain. In Verse 14 it says “I will put my spirit in you and you will live. And I will settle you in your own land and you will know that I am the Lord and I have done it”
This is the Promise of God for every believer! To live in the knowledge that He will come through! He will perform every promise He has made and you can succeed, even when you feel deserted and destitute! Speak life over your life and your circumstances and see how God is gonna give you Breakthrough!
This song is also a song of unity in our nation and in the process of recording, we brought in many different voices, from many cultures to record the group parts and represent the Church of Jesus in the world, standing together, praising through the storms and looking unto Jesus! We really wanted the listener to feel like they are part of the body of Christ, united as one to see the church be the hope in the world, just like Jesus meant for us to be when He said, greater things than these, you will do!
We hope that with this song, people will sing it with purpose and intentionally speak life into their lives declaring: Come mighty Breath, let your wind blow, breathing new life to what was dead, Let your wind blow!
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