In times where a lot of focus is on what is happening in the world and the latest news, we need to remember to bring our focus back to Jesus Himself. This was the heart of writing this song. Finding a simplicity in worshipping God truthfully and respectfully.
Psalm 123:1 “To You I lift up my eyes, O You who are enthroned in the heavens!” We need to come back into humility and acknowledge He who is in Heaven at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews 12:2 ‘’Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God”
Why is this so important for our walk with God? When we are constantly distracted by the current state of the world and our lives, we can lose aspects of our eternal perspective and destination.
Sometimes we can even drift away from God’s presence in our lives as our desires begin to shift to everything but God. God wants our praises and worship to Him because we were created by God for His glory. We can bring glory to God by doing things such as worshipping Him, amongst other acts of faith. John 4:23 “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.”
Satan despises it when we connect with God through prayer and worship. One way that he steals our peace, joy, our connection to God and our eternal perspective is by causing distraction in our lives. Often times we go along with distractions and get used to spending time without any form of worship to our Maker.
God is sovereign above all matters and concerns of the earth and mankind. God was there before the beginning of our time and will be there afterwards into infinity. God is omnipresent and even by our side through Christ Jesus and His Holy Spirit. He is the first and the last! Let us be encouraged that Jesus’ return will be sudden and unpredictable, we need to be ready to receive Him and be living a life of worship to Him.
Talking about being ready and worshiping Jesus: we see in the scripture Psalm 24:7-9 that David had given this message to the gates of Jerusalem to prepare for the Messiah and God’s presence: “Lift up your heads, O you gates; be lifted up, you ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in”
This scripture calls for the entire city to worship in truth and the rest of Psalm 24 speaks about God’s sovereignty saying everything belongs to God for He has made it!
We learn about the rebuilders of, and the 10 different gates of Jerusalem in Nehemiah. The ‘Sheep Gate’ for example is the gate where sheep and lambs were to be brought through for sacrifice. This told in advance of Jesus who would become the sacrifice for our sins (the Lamb of God), Jesus the door that every person would need to go through to be saved.
With a deeper look into the gates we can learn a lot. How this relates in a simple way if for us to Open The Gates for God’s Presence and Will in our city and nation, our Church and our Homes.
Always be ready for the day of Christ’s return walking closely with Jesus.
Whatever may come, don’t let the enemy steal your worship to God and don’t let the enemy steal the glory that your life can bring to our Maker! There was an incredible anointing while writing this song! There is something so powerful that happens when you LIFT UP THE NAME OF JESUS! Whenever we sing the Bridge “Open the Gates, let the King of Glory enter in” something in the atmosphere shifts!
The bridge was originally written for another song and one of our songwriters heard the group singing what they were busy writing, and immediately decided to bring the bridge to them and it fit perfectly into the song!
May this song connect you closer to Jesus and bless you as you shift your focus on Jesus and trust Him to fulfill His purpose for you in the coming year!
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